Going Green in 2016

Green improvements are a smart financial and environmental decision.

Renovating to Sell

When it’s time to sell your home, you need to ensure it is appealing to today’s interested buyers. There are certain aspects of your home that may be considered outdated or out of style.

Organizing Your Child’s Playroom

With the holidays upon us it’s time for family, great food and presents. If you have children, you know your child will likely increase his or her toy collection when the holidays arrive. To make room for new toys and ensure your kids feel free to play in

Improving Your Attic Access

If you have an attic in your home, you may not be fully utilizing the available space. According to the Washington Post, many individuals store everything from unwanted gifts to hand-me-downs in their attics.

5 Tips for Hosting Thanksgiving

November is quickly approaching, which means Thanksgiving is right around the corner. While it is the perfect holiday for family, friends and pumpkin pie, this time of year can be very stressful if you are hosting a Thanksgiving celebration.

Renting Your Vacation Home

If you own a vacation home, chances are it sits empty sometimes. Why not turn that unused home into a little extra cash?

Tips for a Quality Home Inspection

Whether you are looking to buy a home or just want to check up on your house, a home inspection will provide valuable information regarding the structure of a home.

5 Tips for Starting a Business at Home

If you think you have a great idea for a small business, and you want to deploy your operation from home, there are a number of benefits. Entrepreneur indicated flexibility is one of the primary advantages of having your own business at home.

Starting a DVD Collection

Movies and television shows provide an escape to enchanted lands, bizarre plot twists and interesting tales. While there have been more people using streaming websites to watch entertainment, hard copies remain popular.