Renting Your Vacation Home

If you own a vacation home, chances are it sits empty sometimes. Why not turn that unused home into a little extra cash? Renting your vacation property is a great way to get some use out of your second home and earn some profit on the side. Follow these tips to ensure a positive renting experience:

Advertise Properly

One of the best ways to successfully rent your vacation property is to advertise it well. According to Vacation Rental Partners, some of the most trustworthy sites include:- FlipKey – VacationHomeRentals. com – AirBnB – Roomorama. comIn addition to posting a listing on the right site, USA Today indicated you’ll want to take good pictures when advertising your property. Consider hiring a photographer to really showcase your home well.

Store Personal Possessions

You likely don’t want to worry about your most treasured belongings while someone else is living in your home. While you can likely trust the tenants renting your property, it is better to be safe than sorry. Consider storing more sentimental items in a storage unit. SecurCare Self Storage offers a number of storage units and friendly, professional service. Head to a nearby location today, and ask about available units for your unique storage needs while renting your vacation home.