While most people try to schedule moving into a new home during the summer, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and undertake this task during the winter. Whether due to a shifting housing market, an ideal new rental opportunity or because of a job change, having to pack your belongings and trudge through snow and ice can be a major headache.
Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to make this ordeal less difficult. Consider these helpful tricks for moving during the winter:
“Shovel any snow and disperse salt on the walkways so they don’t freeze.”
Clear the way
Even though the moving process is already a hectic time, it’s a good idea to take a moment and ensure there’s no snow and ice on the ground in any of the pathways surrounding your home and up to where the moving van will be parked. Shovel all snow and disperse salt on the walkways so they don’t freeze. This can help you avoid dangerous slips and falls that can damage your belongings and even injure you. If you have any old rugs or carpet runners, place them on the ground in the high-traffic areas, as this will soak up slush or mud too.
Get your utilities turned on
If you move during the summer, a delay in having your heat or lights turned on is minor inconvenience. However, this can be a major problem in January or February when the temperature drops to freezing. It’s important that you make sure the gas and electricity are turned on at least two days prior to the big day, imove.com recommended. While internet and cable aren’t as vital, it can still be a tough couple of days without them too, so it’s always better to get these turned on sooner rather than later.
Take advantage of a storage unit
The elements can make moving during the winter a treacherous time, leading to potentially damaging fragile items. In addition, any snow or ice cover means you won’t be able to unpack any outdoor equipment or decorations. Instead of leaving boxes of unopened belongings sitting around your new home, consider renting a climate-controlled storage unit. Contact SecurCare Self Storage today to find out more info on using a storage unit during your winter move.