The Best Indoor Plants Mega-Guide

Shrub serial killers and seed assassins are dying to know: What are the best indoor plants?

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

House Plants That Are Nontoxic to Dogs and Cats

When it comes to the best indoor plants for your home, choosing pet-friendly houseplants might be a necessity. That’s especially true if you own a dog or puppy, although cats tend to eat plants too. The last thing you want is to purchase a plant that’s toxic to your pets and causes them harm. Below are a few of the best house plants that are also safe for your furry friends, including:

  • Rattlesnake Plant- Although its name is foreboding, the Rattlesnake Plant is 100% safe for dogs and cats. It thrives in low light, too, and is one of the more attractive houseplants on today’s list.
  • Ponytail Palm- Requiring little water, the Ponytail Plant is a fun houseplant that looks like green spaghetti! It’s also perfect for those who don’t have a green thumb and 100% safe for your furry friends. 
  • Boston Fern- These low-maintenance plants can be played with by your cat to no end and your dog too! Just keep the soil damp, and they will do very well indeed.
  • Polka Dot Plant- These beautiful plants grow up to 3 feet high in their native Madagascar. However, in your home, they will usually stay around 10 inches. You should fertilize them once a month and ensure they have indirect sunlight.
  • Bromeliad- These plants bring a bit of the tropics to your home but need plenty of air flow to thrive. They’re safe for puppies and kittens of all breeds. Bromeliads dry out fast, though, so you should mist them every day.
  • Date Palm- Large and dense while also delicate, Date Palms are safe for all pets. They make great floor plants, also, and add a touch of class to every room.
  • Prayer Plant- With beautiful coloring, this plant will definitely catch the eye of a curious cat or dog. Luckily, Prayer Plants are non-toxic. They’re also easy to care for and need indirect sunlight and moderate watering. 
The Best Indoor Plants Mega-Guide for New Plant Moms

House Plants That Are Toxic to Dogs and Cats

Some plants are highly toxic for dogs and cats and, for that reason, should be avoided indoors. They include the following species:

  • Sago Palm
  • Philodendron
  • Azaleas (aka Rhododendron)
  • ZZ Plant
  • Alocasia
  • Peace Lily

Best Indoor Plants for Small Spaces or Apartments

Plants are remarkable for several reasons, not the least of which is they clean the air. They also make easy and beautiful decorative elements for any living location. Of course, space is always at a premium in an apartment, which means some bigger plants are out. Also, lack of sunlight is a definite challenge, especially in most American cities. The plants below are the best to beat these problematic situations and ensure they thrive in your apartment.

  • Iron Plant- Low water levels and poor soil don’t seem to affect this hearty, deep-green plant.
  • Peace Lily- Requiring very little light, this gorgeous plant produces elegant white flowers. If leaves begin to drop, you know it’s time to water them.
  • ZZ Plant- This species has been called the ‘houseplant of the future’ as it’s so easy to care for and keep healthy.
  • Cacti (several species)- Available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, cacti are very easy to care for and keep.

What Are the Hardest Indoor Plants to Kill?

We promise it’s possible to bring life into your home without needing an expert green thumb. But, what are the best indoor plants for beginners? Here are 5 easy-to-take-care-of plants to end your accidental murdering spree.

The Best Indoor Plants Mega-Guide for New Plant Moms

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant with large, thick leaves that stem from the bottom.

This plant requires bright, but indirect sunlight (aka bright shade). It can thrive in partial sun-lit areas of your home.

Water infrequently, about once every 3 weeks. Make sure to water thoroughly. The top 1-2 inches of soil should be completely dry before watering again.

Use a planter made of porous material–like terracotta. Make sure its home also has a draining hole at the bottom.

Snake Plant

This pointy plant can add a bold, structured look to any room. Its tough look matches its ability to survive.

This plant doesn’t need much water and should only be watered once the soil is dry about once every 3-6 weeks. Time will vary depending on your house’s temperature and humidity.

Snake plants don’t need constant bright light. They like to be near windows, but not in direct contact with the sun.

Whether your house is humid or dry, the snake plant can survive in any climate.

The Best Indoor Plants Mega-Guide for New Plant Moms
The Best Indoor Plants Mega-Guide for New Plant Moms

Spider Plant

These spunky plants are a fun addition to any room, especially because they produce mini-me plants that hang off the main plant. You can put them in a hanging or stationary pot.

Don’t let their size intimidate you—spider plants are a breeze. All they need: Indoor potting soil and a pot with a drainage hole.

Keep these plants in bright, indirect light—although they can survive in partial light. You only need to water them every 10-14 days, when the soil is mostly dry but still slightly damp.


Pothos is a trailing plant, which provides a beautiful and full look.

Like the other plants on our list, pothos requires indoor soil and a pot with a drainage hole at the bottom. If your plant is outgrowing its pot be sure to re-pot it in the spring or summer.

Moderate indirect sunlight is preferred for these plants, but they can tolerate bright indirect sunlight as well.

You will only need to water your pothos plant every 6-12 days, depending on your house’s climate. Water the plant thoroughly until the water drains out—it’s best to do this in the sink. You’ll know it’s time to water your plant when the soil is dry to the touch.

The Best Indoor Plants Mega-Guide for New Plant Moms

The Best Indoor Plants for Low Light Levels

If you’re lucky, you have plenty of light in your home or apartment for both yourself and your precious plants. Below are a few that thrive even if you don’t, making it easier to keep them healthy and full. One caveat; they all need some TLC even if there’s not much light available. (They’re living creatures, after all.) The indoor plants that don’t need a lot of sunlight include:

  • Chinese Evergreen- Does very well in low light and only needs to be fertilized twice a year.
  • Rabbit Foot Fern- These plants love to hang and prefer high humidity levels. Misting their leaves daily usually does the trick.
  • Bamboo. These lovely plants don’t need much space or light. Even better, bamboo plants bring good energy and fortune to your home!
  • Parlor Palm- Like bamboo, these plants can grow as tall as six feet! They need a little bit of indirect sun, but that’s about it.
The Best Indoor Plants Mega-Guide for New Plant Moms

The Best Indoor Plants & Herbs That Are Edible

Not all indoor plants are made for decorative purposes only. If you love herbs and edible plants, those below should be in your home or apartment. You’ll find yourself cooking with them just to enjoy their lovely aromas; including:

  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Lavender
  • Cilantro
  • Oregano

You can get any of these plants from wonderful mom & pop garden shops in your area, or you can go with an online provider like Bloomscape! No matter what type of greens you choose for your indoor garden, SecurCare Self Storage (that’s us) can help! In the off-season, many apartment plant enthusiasts rent a storage unit to keep their supplies safe, sound, and out of the way!

For questions about renting a storage unit, feel free to chat with us online. We can answer any questions that way, and it only takes a few seconds! You can also visit one of our many locations across the US. The on-site manager at each location is a fountain of self-storage knowledge and valuable information. They can help you decide which size is the best for your particular potting needs. We hope you have fun becoming the best plant mom ever!

Check out the latest from the SecurCare Storage blog!

This post was originally published on 2/20/2020. It was updated on 1/27/2022.

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