Snowbird Storage and To-Do’s

Snowbirds heading South can’t fly without first preparing their home, belongings and finances. If you are leaving for a warmer climate this winter season, you’ll want to follow these critical tips:

Avoid Costly Damages

According to Traveler’s Insurance, one common issue many snowbirds face is the repercussions of burst pipes. To avoid this, recruit the help of a professional plumber. He or she can evaluate your home’s plumbing system and decide what course of action is most appropriate for your home. You may need to turn off the water supply entirely, or simply ask a friendly neighbor to come to your house every once in a while to flush the toilets and run some water through all of the faucets.

“Donate or throw out any grub before leaving for your winter house. “

Protect Your Home from Pests

When you are going to be away for an extended period of time, make sure uninvited guests don’t make their way inside your home. Close the fireplace flue if you have one, caulk any gaps or cracks and clean your home to discourage animals and insects from moving in. It is also important to make sure there isn’t any food inside your house. Donate or throw out any grub before leaving for your winter home.

Ensure Your Finances Transfer

The Wall Street Journal indicated that you will need to have portable finances as a snowbird. Ensure you have access to your funds from both your summer and winter homes. Set up automatic bill payments for both houses as well. Staying on top of two sets of bills can be difficult without reminders or automation.

Prepare Your Funds for Emergencies

When living in your winter home, you may get an unwelcome phone call letting you know an emergency has occurred at your summer home. Always have money available to allot toward last-minute travel back to your summer home and any expenses associated with the situation.

Guard Your Home Against Thieves

Before moving to your winter home, let your local police department know that your house will be vacant. They may be able to keep a closer eye on your property when patrolling their beat. You will want to make your home appear as though it is still occupied. Have someone shovel your driveway after storms, forward mail to a new address and have lights set up on timers. If you have any particularly valuable or sentimental items, consider keeping them in a climate-controlled storage unit while you are away. Check out a nearby SecurCare Self Storage facility for available storage units at an affordable price.