How to Store Furniture

sleek modern looking chairs in room

Storing furniture the right way helps keep it looking like new for longer. In today’s world, furniture comes in all kinds of materials, from classic wood to modern metal. Whether you have a vintage wooden table, a comfy leather couch, or a sleek glass shelf, each piece matters. Knowing how to take care of and store different materials is vital if you’re moving, fixing up your place, or just organizing. Read our guide to discover easy steps on how to treat and store different types of furniture.

Caring for Wood Furniture in Storage

Wooden pieces, brimming with organic charm, can be a centerpiece in many homes. To maintain its vitality, particularly during storage, nuanced care is paramount.

Moisture Absorbers: These nifty packets can be real savers, ensuring the ambiance remains devoid of humidity. They work by capturing the excess moisture, thus preventing the wood from expanding or contracting, which can cause significant damage over time.

Elevation: Elevating furniture might sound simple, but it’s a game-changer. Using pallets or blocks ensures the wood doesn’t absorb moisture from the ground, a common issue in many storage areas. This tactic not only prevents warping but also deters potential pests.

Protection from Sunlight: Direct sunlight can bleach the rich color of wood, making it imperative to find a shaded storage space. Additionally, consistent exposure to sunlight can cause the wood to become brittle and warp over time.

Regular Inspection: Wooden furniture can be prone to pests like termites. Regularly inspecting for signs of infestation, or any warping, ensures prompt corrective action, safeguarding the wood’s integrity.

Climate-Controlled Storage: Consider climate-controlled units if you’ve invested in antique or designer wood furniture. These environments maintain consistent temperature and humidity, offering optimum protection.

Preserving Upholstered Furniture

brown leather couch inside with bookshelf

With its soft textures and patterns, upholstery can quickly degrade if not stored properly.

Vacuuming: A meticulous vacuum removes any lingering dust, pet hair, or debris that could attract pests. These minute particles can embed deeper into the fabric, making future cleaning harder.

Cushion Care: Storing cushions separately prevents them from flattening. This also allows for more uniform air circulation, reducing the risk of mold growth.

Fabric Protectors: These sprays are miracle workers. They offer protection against accidental spills, which could be detrimental if left untreated over prolonged periods.

Breathable Plastic Covers: Unlike regular plastic, these covers allow for adequate air circulation, ensuring the fabric remains fresh and isn’t stifled.

Airing: Periodically, make an effort to air out your upholstered furniture. This simple step can rejuvenate the fabric, keeping odors at bay.

Wicker Furniture Storage Nuances

Wicker, with its intricate weaves, can be both durable and fragile.

Climate Control: Wicker is sensitive to temperature fluctuations, which can cause cracking or sagging. A climate-controlled environment is a boon, maintaining the piece’s elasticity and appearance.

Reapplying Finish: A protective varnish enhances the wicker’s aesthetic and ensures it doesn’t dry out. Consider this a necessary touch-up every couple of years.

Cushion Storage: Much like upholstered furniture, storing cushions separately is wise. Wicker can sometimes trap moisture, and this tactic circumvents potential mold growth on cushions.

Position Rotation: Consistent pressure or exposure can cause localized wear. Rotate wicker furniture to ensure even wear, preserving its overall integrity.

Metal Furniture

Metal furniture, with its sleek look, demands specific care tactics.

Rust Prevention: This is paramount. Regularly applying rust-resistant sprays or paints maintains the furniture’s pristine look and extends its lifespan.

Safety Measures: Sharp edges, if left unchecked, can cause injuries during handling. Wrapping them ensures safety, particularly during transit.

Smart Stacking: When storing multiple metal items, introduce soft dividers. This simple inclusion can prevent potential scratches or dents.

Ventilation: Metal, when exposed to consistent moisture, can rust. An adequately ventilated storage area ensures any trapped moisture evaporates, keeping rust at bay.

Lubrication: This is often overlooked. Metal joints or hinges can seize up if not regularly lubricated. A light coat can ensure these parts remain functional over prolonged periods.

Material-specific Considerations

different chairs lined up with brown background

Beyond these general guidelines, it’s essential to recognize the unique demands of specific materials.

Glass Furniture: As a bearer of fragility, every edge and surface demands meticulous care. Protect corners, apply shielding films, and consider vertical storage to distribute weight evenly.

Leather Furniture: Luxurious leather thrives with regular conditioning. Before storage, cleanse and pamper it. Always ensure adequate ventilation to maintain its supple texture.

Plastic Furniture: Despite its durability, plastic needs care. Regular cleansing, smart stacking, and protection from direct sunlight can extend its lifespan significantly.

Disassembly and Seasonal Considerations

Breaking down more oversized furniture into components can be a strategic move, ensuring safer and more efficient storage. Always label and record the process to simplify future reassembly.

The season of storage introduces varied challenges. Winter demands protection from dampness and cold, while summer requires ample ventilation and shielding from the unyielding sun.

Enhancing Storage with Accessories

Elevate your storage ritual with innovative accessories. Breathable covers, plush blankets, and vacuum-sealed bags can enhance protection, ensuring your cherished pieces remain timeless.

Store Your Furniture with SecurCare

glass table and chairs with white and black accents

No matter its material, every piece of furniture holds value and memories. With proper care and attention during storage, your furniture can remain as good-looking as the day you got it. If you’re looking for trusted self storage to store your furniture, SecurCare offers various options. Call or stop by SecurCare today to reserve a storage unit!

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